Well, I put my £500 down and got me a Samsung Galaxy SII, my new mobile with more power (on paper) than my last laptop. So what does a 1.2Ghz Dual Core phone with 1Gb of RAM do when coupled with a 8 Megapixel camera that can record video 30fps at 1080p? The answer is … Continue reading
bigpockets.co.uk recently ran a promotion where for £2.99 + shipping they would send you a random bag of crap, and there was a competition for posting the best video of you opening your bag of crap. Well, here’s my bag of crap for what good it will do me: Conclusion: Worth more than £2.99 certainly, … Continue reading
Just found this on my phone. Download (.3gp)
Although I love the Burnout series, I think EA Games might be stretching a bit thin here… Yes, this is my handiwork, patching footage of Burnout Revenge (although that’s a bit scant in its appearance) with sped up footage of someone driving down the M62*, with a little help from iMovie. Thanks to the CBRD … Continue reading
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